I hope you've enjoyed Pilgrim walking in the company of the Pilgrim Sly. But let's admit that the grizzled, bearded character smiling at you from the margin of these posts was a younger Sly, a Sly freshly invigorated from Bicycling Adventure in Labrador, Newfoundland, and Nova Scotian Canadian Maritime Provinces during the summer of 1993. Here we have the wiser Pilgrim Sly, at his writing platform on the sun deck of the Pilegrimsgard Hostel behind the Cathedral in Trondheim in August of 2009. His writer's pen will be put to paper again soon ... during the next Adventure of Buffalo Jump Sly!
For more information about the Norwegian Olavsleden Pilgrim Way, including detailed route maps and accommodation information, copy and paste this URL of its official website into your web browser: http://www.pilegrim.info/ Click on the British flag at the top of its home page for English translation.
Copyrighted in 2001, the Cicerone Guide "Pilgrim Road to Nidaros, St. Olav's Way: Oslo to Trondheim", by Alison Raju, remains the definitive English language guide to the Olavsleden.
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